Tag Archives: book

The Manga Guide to Databases from No Starch Press

Mg_databases_covI am a mommy geek.  I love gadgets, computers, and learning new stuff.  When I got The Manga Guide to Databases from No Starch Press I was all over it and because the Japanese-style comics and educational content made it a super fun yet educational read.  Granted, it took about 2 weeks for me to finish the book because I have about 7 minutes a day to read (two kids, you get it now) but I gained a ton of knowledge about databases.  

If you are a mommy geek and design your own website(s), you will love this book.  I'm sure you are aware that databases are a necessity today and why pay someone to develop a database for you if you can do it yourself?

Buy The Manga Guide to Databases here.and check out their other business related titles on the No Starch Press website.

Danika’s Totally Terrible Toss: The Legend of the Purple Flurp

Purple-flurpThis book is part of the Secret Keeper Girl book series.  If you have a tween girl or know one, this is the perfect book to add to her collection.  The Legend of the Purple Flurp is a book about a 12 year old girl, Danika who gets in trouble for accidentally tossing ‘purple flurp’ at the lunch lady.  Consequently Danika gets into trouble which puts a major kink in her plans of winning the title of Miss Teeny Pop at Marion, Ohio’s Annual Popcorn Festival. 
Although the incident is an unfortunate accident Danika is given detention and meets three girls who help her gain new insight into what life is about.  Before accidentally throwing purple flurp (you have to read the book to learn what it is!) at a lunch lady Danika had the mindset that life was about what she had rather than who she is.  You know… fancy clothes, a big house, nice cars, all that stuff.

Danika’s Totally Terrible Toss: The Legend of the Purple Flurp is full of humor, real life situations, and activities for moms and daughters to do together. 
The book is addictive.  I read it with my nine year old the first day I got it for review and he actually read it in bed that night!  Don’t tell!!  We made sure to read the book in such a way that it didn’t seem so girly and he wouldn’t feel like he was reading a girly book.  I told him not to mind the pink cover. 

The Secret Keeper Girl series of books opens a door for moms and daughters to communicate about situations that tween girls go through.  There are currently three books in the Secret Keeper Girl series and are available individually or in bundles.

You will find Danika’s Totally Terrible Toss (Secret Keeper Girl) at Amazon.com for about $10.

Nana Star books and poseable doll


Nana Star is a beautifully illustrated book for kids ages 3+. 
Madelyn, 2 years old, loves to read this book at bedtime and must have her Nana Star doll with her when we read the book.  I'm sorry to say that there have been times when I couldn't read the book because Nana Star was enjoying a  'hiding spot' somewhere else in the house and didn't want to come out.  Anyway..

Nana Star comes with a CD containing an enchantinNanastar-doll_6
g audio version of the
story and the sing-a-long Nana Star Song.   The CD is great for long car rides.  It doesn't seem to get old no matter how many times it loops during a trip.

The poseable Nana Star doll is intricately crafted and comes with her own baby star to take care of.   Nana Star is not too tiny and not to big.  Just right for snuggling with and taking in the car.

Cost: Prices vary depending on book or doll purchased.

You can buy the Nana Star books and poseable doll at NanaStar.com.

First LEGO League book

LegoleagueI was into LEGO's when I was a kid.. big time.   My sister and I had the LEGO space station, lots of house making LEGO's, flowers, and tons of LEGO people.  When I saw the book FIRST LEGO League: The Unofficial Guide I was quickly drawn in.  I wanted to find out all about the first LEGO League competition, who started it, how to start a league and who participates.  I learned that are more.  Though it's a bit on the technical side, both parents and older kids will learn a lot and walk away inspired to build the best LEGO contraption ever.

This book is the go-to source for
coaches, teachers, parents, and students participating in the FIRST
LEGO League (FLL) competition. Written for both rookie and experienced
teams, the book covers a variety of topics, including team formation
and organization, robot building and programming, and the basics of
getting involved with FLL. Filled with practical advice and real
building and programming examples, as well as candid commentary from
veteran teams, this is the book that your team needs whether you're
just starting out or have been competing (and winning) for years.

Price: $20

FIRST LEGO League: The Unofficial Guide
is available to buy at Amazon.