Tag Archives: no starch press

The Manga Guide to Databases from No Starch Press

Mg_databases_covI am a mommy geek.  I love gadgets, computers, and learning new stuff.  When I got The Manga Guide to Databases from No Starch Press I was all over it and because the Japanese-style comics and educational content made it a super fun yet educational read.  Granted, it took about 2 weeks for me to finish the book because I have about 7 minutes a day to read (two kids, you get it now) but I gained a ton of knowledge about databases.  

If you are a mommy geek and design your own website(s), you will love this book.  I'm sure you are aware that databases are a necessity today and why pay someone to develop a database for you if you can do it yourself?

Buy The Manga Guide to Databases here.and check out their other business related titles on the No Starch Press website.