Category Archives: Safety

Chatman – Your Child’s Internet Safety Buddy

Chatman - internet safety for kidsIn a world connected by computers it is important to not only teach our kids how to use them, but also about internet safety. Chatman is a fun and innovative tool that will help educate and protect kids online.

Chatman looks like a cute toy and hooks up easily to your computer through a USB cable. Your child can name their new friend, give it its own personality and interact with it. While your child is chatting with friends, playing games or doing homework, this new toy will monitor all of their online activities. Your child is protected and you can now have peace of mind because this device will protect your child by monitoring the sites your child goes to and steering them away from any inappropriate websites that may inadvertently pop up. As a further protective measure, it is programmed to recognize familiar slang terms, so that if your child’s communications with others becomes inappropriate, you will be alerted.


Aside from protecting your child, homework and other online activities will now be fun and entertaining for your child. Your child’s new computer buddy can communicate with your child and help them with their homework. Because it can recognize over 15,000 words, your child’s new computer friend, Chatman, can either answer your child’s questions or help steer them to a website that can assist them. Through its huge vocabulary, movements and ability to convey up to 30 emotions, it will also help your child figure out the tone of emails or chats.

Chatman can set reminders for your child, so that they will be able to remember birthdays, homework assignments or whatever else your preteen is prone to forget.

Chatman is an essential tool in creating a safe, fun and entertaining online experience for our kids.

I feel more confident in my children’s online safety since they are using Chatman.

Chatman a great gift for kids 6-12 and sells for $74.99.  He is now available for the first time in the US, and is available at and  He is also available in-store only at Toys R Us Times Square in New York City.

Connect with Chatman:

Disclosure: I was provided with a Chatman for review purposes.  All opinions are 100% my own.

Keep Your Kids Safe this Halloween with These Halloween Safety Tips For Kids

When your kids are heading out to trick or treat it is important that you keep them safe. Kids get excited when it comes to trick or treating, so you need to make sure that they know how to stay safe. It is also important for adults to take safety precautions when there are kids trick or treating on the roads.

Halloween Safety Tips for Kids
Tips for parents

  • Make sure that your child’s costume isn’t too long. They could trip and fall.
  • Make sure that children have full visibility when they are wearing any kind of mask.
  • Check your children’s candy before they eat it. Some places offer candy x-rays for safety.
  • Know where your kids are going, if you aren’t going with them. If they have a cell phone make sure they have it on them so you can check in, or so they can get a hold of you in case of emergency.
  • Set a curfew for your children so that you know when to expect them home and are not stuck wondering about their safety.
  • Go over all the tips and rules for a safe Halloween with your children before they head out of the house.

Tips for kids

  • Don’t talk to strangers while you are walking alone.
  • Better yet, use the buddy system and don’t walk anywhere alone.
  • Only go to houses that have their porch light on.
  • Don’t run.
  • Look both ways before crossing the road.
  • Always say thank you after receiving your treats.
  • Do not vandalize anyone’s property. This is illegal. This included toilet papering, egging or just damaging decorations.

Tips for drivers

  • Drive slow.
  • Make sure your headlights are on.
  • Watch carefully for children running or walking into the road.
Have a fun and safe Halloween!
If you are still looking for a Halloween costume for your kids, check out!  They have the most adorable, well-made Halloween costumes.  My daughter plays dress up in her costume almost every day.
Alicia Hagan, Editor

You Don’t Get a Second Chance to Protect Your Child Online! Net Nanny Review and Giveaway

Net Nanny



Many children are ignorant, and rightly so, to the risks of playing games and socializing with friends online. Whether working on a school paper or playing a social game, Net Nanny will keep your child safe from online predators, pornography, and cyber bullying. Parents, remember this.. you can’t turn back time. If your tween see’s an obscene image just once, that image will be engrained in their memory forever. You can keep that from happening by using software such as Net Nanny. It takes just one image or one obscene comment via a social network to impact and confuse your child. Why take that chance?

Net Nanny
Screenshot of what you'll see if you try to access a blocked keyword

I’ve been working online for over 10 years and was sure I knew how to keep my kids safe online.  But I’m not so sure these days.   A lot has changed in 10 years.  While the internet can provide our children with a lot of educational information, we need to remember that the internet is also full of websites that are inappropriate for children including pornographic and hate websites and once your child sees that material, you can’t make it disappear from their memory.

With Net Nanny, you can filter out harmful websites.  This is priceless to me as a parent.  Net Nanny allows parents to customize what kind of sites our children are able to view and what sites are restricted. This means that we are able to control our child’s activity on the internet even when we are not around.

When it comes to parental control software it is important that the software can monitor your child’s behavior on the internet not just block websites and keywords.  While Net Nanny not only blocks pornographic and other undesired material, it also monitors activity on social media networks, chat, and gaming websites.

From the website

Did you know that there are many ways your children can access pornography and questionable content on the Internet? Net Nanny provides full internet safety on not just the World Wide Web, but also less known but equally dangerous parts of the Internet like the Usenet, Peer-to-Peer downloading networks, Chat Rooms, Instant Messages, FTP, Forums and email. If you have never heard of some of those areas of the Internet, it is possible that your kids have. But don’t worry. Net Nanny knows about them, and protects your children from the bad content on them.

Features of Net Nanny For PC and/or Mac Include:

  • Blocks Pornography and Protects Families and Children
  • IM Alert & Analysis
  • Customizable “Allowed” or “Blocked” Lists
  • Detailed Logs
  • Schedule Internet Access
  • Secure Website Filtering/Blocking
  • Game and Application Blocking
  • Browser Alerts
  • Configuration Assistant
  • Predator and Cyber Bully Alerts
  • Unlimited toll-free technical support
  • Cell Phone Alerts – Cell phone alerts are sent out within five minutes, giving you the opportunity to intervene.

Net Nanny 6.5 has been specifically designed to address your concerns, here are a few more customer requested features you’ll find in the latest Net Nanny release:

  • View conversations for web-based IM like Facebook, Meebo, and MySpace
  • Receive email notifications in real-time, hourly, daily or even weekly
  • Block uploading of pictures
  • Keyword blocking lets you decide if kids should see pages with specific words
  • Block posting/commenting on Blogs and Forums
Disclosure: Net Nanny provided me with software for review purposes.  All opinions are 100% mine and were not influenced by compensation.
I  have been blogging since 2005 and just started attending blogging and social media conferences just last year.   I am thrilled to announce that I am attending BlogHer ’11 in San Diego August 4-7th and that I am being sponsored by Net Nanny.   Thank you Net Nanny / Content Watch!


We are giving two lucky readers a license for a copy of Net Nanny software!  To enter to win, leave a comment below.  Entries accepted through August 25th.  Winners will be chosen by August 27th and will be notified via email.

Earn extra entries by doing the following:
Alicia Hagan, Editor

Beach Sun and Summer Safety Tips

Kids having fun at the beachBefore we do anything else we have to make sure we pay attention to beach sun and safety for the season and then we can say…Welcome SUMMER!  With summer comes the sun, the beach, and staying safe while enjoying them both.

Beach Safety comes in many forms. Each year we hear about people drowning at local beaches but the fact of the matter is, most of these drownings could have been avoided with some common sense safety tips.  First, stay away from rip currents.  Rip currents are tides or undercurrents that flow under the water and they can be strong enough to pull even the strongest of swimmers under water to their death.  Rip currents cause 80% of all drowning deaths in the United States and account for 80% of all life guard rescues.  They tend to be more intense as the tides increase, which is often when surfers and body boarders like to hit the waves best.  It’s best to know the area and only swim in areas that are marked well and are fully guarded.

Guarded beaches are the only way to swim. Taking your chances at an unguarded beach simply is not worth the risk.  Lifeguards are trained professionals that can and do rescue people in situations that a typical, untrained swimmer will be useless.  Statistics say that your chances of drowning on a guarded beach are as low as 1 in 18 million.  These statistics alone should make your first and only choice when choosing a beach, choosing one that is fully guarded.  It could mean your life, or the life of someone you love.

We’ve all been told not to swim alone but things like rip currents and freak accidents are the exact reason why this is reiterated over and over again.  Simply put, not only should you never enter the water on your own but if you follow heed to the above information you will never be alone because there will always be a guard there to watch and protect you.

Beach sun and summer safety tips

Other safety issues of the beach itself and can come in the form of many of the beach’s natural life within in. When swimming in oceans means avoiding things like jelly fish and their sting.  Although the sting of a jelly fish is unpleasant it is rarely life threatening.  Seek help from the lifeguard if you have been stung or go to the doctor if you seem to be having any complications but nearly all cases of jelly fish stings are simply a matter of discomfort.  You also want to be aware of any sharks in the area and heed any warnings of sharks.  If there is a sign that states it is unsafe to swim, for any reason, adhere to it.  That sign is put there for a reason.  It can be unsafe waters due to bacteria, sharks, harsh rip tides or something else.  The guards and personnel in charge don’t put up “Danger” signs and “Do Not Swim” signs just because they don’t want to work.  There are definitely reasons of safety involved and you must adhere to them.

This brings us to the area of sun safety. We all have been told over and over how dangerous being in the sun can be; but we also must remember that the sun does provide us with natural Vitamin D which is vital to our bodies.  Avoiding the sun completely is not good but we have to enjoy the sun safely.  Enjoying the sun at the beach is probably one of our most favorite ways to enjoy a hot summer day.  You get the benefits of enjoying the sunshine while also being able to take a swim in the water.  Researchers have proven that getting a sunburn increases your chances of melanoma.  It was originally thought that sun exposure that causes the skin to burn under the age of 18 significantly increased the risk of melanoma, but researchers have found that sunburn at any age increases the risk.  Melanoma is cancer, plain and simple, and I don’t know anyone who wants to have cancer.  So what’s the answer?  While there’s nothing you can do to guarantee you won’t get melanoma, there are some common sense factors that can help you avoid the risks.

Sunscreen is a must anytime you are in the sun, but especially when you’re in sun at the beach. Choosing an SPF is not the only thing you have to keep in mind when choosing your sunscreen.  It has been found that certain sunscreens that advertise SPF’s as high as 60 or more provide little to no protection from the actual harming rays that cause the burn and eventual skin cancer.  What you want to look for is a sunscreen that has either zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.  These two elements protect both types of rays UVA and UVB when applied properly.  You also want to make sure you apply your sunscreen numerous times.  You can really never apply it too often so if there’s question as to “should I put more sunscreen on?” the answer is always yes.  Sunscreen, even those that claim to be waterproof and sports oriented, need to be reapplied regularly.  The lowest SPF you should ever put on is an SPF 15, so choose an SPF 15 or higher.  While it has been debated at what point the SPF is no longer any more useful it never hurts to purchase a higher end SPF just to be safe.  The key factor is to continue applying it throughout your outing at the beach, after every swim, after sweating, and just every few hours or so to be safe.

Another key factor is when you’re in the sun. The sun is at its hottest between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. so during those hours if you can keep under the shade and limit the amount of sun you are exposed to it is best.  Even if you have perfectly applied sunscreen, these are the top hours to get burned and your chances are pretty high that you could walk away with a burn.  A burn, any burn at all, is always something you want to avoid.

While you don’t want to approach the summer with fear you do want to make sure this summer, when spent in the sun and at the beach, is a safe one.  Build your sand castles with a lifeguard nearby, swim with friends in designated swim areas and make sure you wear plenty of sunscreen, applied numerous times.  In the end you’ll be sure you’re here to enjoy yet another wonderful summer filled with beach, sun, and safety!

Alicia Hagan, Editor


Keeping Teens Safe on the Road this Summer

Teen safe driving tipsOne of the greatest fears for parents of teenagers is an unexpected accident when their child is behind the wheel. Each year, the days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are the deadliest 100 days for teen drivers and their passengers, according to the American Automobile Association (AAA). To minimize this risk, parents should learn the facts and teach their children how to drive safely.

Sarah Robinson — engineer, Michelin test-track driver and one of the few female test drivers— teaches teens safe-driving skills. She also offers parents tips on maintaining a safe vehicle and how to effectively teach their young drivers about safety.

Sarah’s tips for teaching teen drivers

  • Situational awareness: To keep yourself out of danger, nothing is more effective than being aware of your surroundings.
  • Vision: Train your eyes to anticipate danger, focus as far ahead as you can see and use your peripheral vision to observe your immediate surroundings.
  • Stay focused: Distractions can result in fatal accidents. Parents should set rules limiting the number of passengers riding with a teenage driver. Using a cell phone, text messaging, changing the radio station or iPod tunes, or applying makeup should never be done while driving.
  • Speed and distance: Obey the speed limit, adjust your vehicle’s speed to match weather conditions and maintain a proper distance from the vehicle ahead of you.
  • Defensive-driving class: Practice is the best defense against accidents. A third-party instructor often can influence teens more effectively than the limitations of the typical parent–teen dynamic. Instructors are trained to teach teens car-control skills so they can avoid or minimize accidents.
  • Seating position: Proper seating position maximizes your ability to control your vehicle. Sarah provides tips to ensure drivers are positioned with arms the proper distance from the steering wheel and legs from the brake and gas pedals.
  • Set mirrors properly: Side mirrors can help maximize the view of the road, rather than reflecting the side of the car.
  • Steering position: For optimal control, hands should be placed at the three-o’clock and nine-o’clock positions on the steering wheel.
  • Tire pressure: Parents should teach their teenage drivers to check the pressure of all four tires once a month. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 33,000 injuries and 700 deaths occur every year due to underinflated tires.
  • Safety equipment: Prepare the vehicle with the necessary safety equipment and an emergency kit. Cars equipped with stability-control systems, antilock-braking system and airbags help reduce accidents as well as the severity of injuries if an accident occurs.
  • Parents’ role: Parents can play a significant role in teaching their teenage drivers basic safety. First, they should be a good role model to their children when they are in the driver’s seat. Next, they should establish safe-driving rules and enforce them. They also should enroll young drivers in defensive-driving courses. Finally, parents should explain the responsibilities and dangers of handling a 3,000-plus-pound vehicle.

Enjoy your summer and talk to your teens about safe driving!

Alicia Hagan, Editor