Category Archives: Feeding – baby & kids

So Easy Baby Food Kit

You won’t believe what I did this weekend!  I made baby food!!

I always thought it would be such a hassle to make baby food, but I was totally wrong. With Fresh Baby’s So Easy Baby Food Kit, it was a breeze, really.
The kit comes with a DVD which I watched first. The DVD shows you how to make a couple of different foods from start to finish so I went into the situation feeling comfortable.
The kit also comes with what is called a cworkbook (cookbook and workbook). The cworkbook explains when to start introducing certain foods, the nutrients in foods, how much of each food to buy for a recipe and more. The recipes are amazingly simple and easy to follow.

So, I went to Whole Foods bought some sweet potato’s and got to it!
The prep time was about 10 minutes. I cleaned and cut the sweet potato’s into small squares, added a little water, microwaved them for 10 minutes, then pureed them until they reached a good consitancy for Madelyn. You add water as you feel necessary. Each recipe comes with ‘extras’ such as cinamon that you can add at the appropriate age range which is listed next to the ‘extra’.
After I pureed the sweet potato’s I used a spoon to scoop them into the 2 freezer trays that came in the kit. Then I put the trays in the freezer overnight. Sunday morning, I took them out of the freezer and emptied the sweet potato cubes into Ziploc freezer bags for later consumption.

Sunday afternoon Madelyn told me that she sure would like some sweet potato’s (in her silent voice) so I took one sweet potato cube out of the freezer bag, microwaved it for about 20 seconds then fed her the YUMMY sweet potato’s. She loved them!  I was so excited that she was eating something that I made.  Besides breastmilk, I thought she would be lucky to ingest anything that I make from scratch.  🙂

Where to buy: Fresh Baby

Homemade Baby – Organic Baby Food

Parents are looking more into healthy, organic, chemical free food than ever these days. It is just a fact that the ‘extras’ simply aren’t needed, but the large baby food companies can’t seem to get away from them.

Homemade Baby gives parents an option with their certified organic and kosher baby food.  Hand cooked, their stage 1 food is super smooth for the beginner, their stage 2 food is a little mushier  for older babies and stage 3 is "chunkified" (as Sebastian puts it) for experienced babies.

Homemade Baby’s baby food arrives at your doorstep, nice and cold, ready to put in the fridge. There are clear instructions on how long you can have one bowl of food open in the fridge and which foods are best heated or eaten cool. The nutrition facts and ingredients are stated on the packaging but you will take one look at the baby food and know it is good for your baby.

Do you travel alot?  Homemade Baby’s baby food is great for those who make their own baby food but are traveling and won’t have access to the tools they need to make it while away.

Homemade Baby even has a ‘Yummy Tummy Club’ that you can join and have access to "sneak  peaks" of new flavors,  and a customized bundle of baby food is delivered to your door every week for one month, three months or for six months. No more worrying about running out of baby food!!

When you visit the Homemade Baby website you will be able to quickly find which type of food (so smooth, goody  mushy, or kinda chunky) is best for your baby. Then you choose the ‘flavors’ that you want based on the texture your baby is ready for.

Madelyn is new to the whole baby food world, so she is on stage 1 food and LOVES her Homemade Baby Just Sweet Potatoes! Iam afraid she might turn orange. If she does, I promise I will post a photograph of the newly orange Madelyn here!

Where to buy: Homemade Baby

Tame that bottle!

My son, Sebastian, recently told me that I am a "germaphone"… AKA germaphobe.  It mortifies me when Madelyn’s pacifier, bottle, or toys touch the floor, counter top or other surface that might have a germ or two million on it. Thank goodness there is someone else like me out there that was smart enough to invent a product that will keep these things from falling to the floor especially while out and about.

The Lil BahBee™ Bottle Tamer® is an adjustable baby bottle strap that conveniently secures your child’s bottle, sippy cup, or favorite toy to a number of locations.

You simply attach the toy, bottle, or sippy cup to one end of the Bottle Tamer then attach the other end to an exercauser, stroller, highchair, car seat handle, or shopping cart and WHALLA, you have an item that may not get 5 million germs on it due to falling on the ground!  YEAH Lil BahBee.

This is one of the greatest products I have seen yet and priced at only $8.50, you can buy to keep in the car, at Grandma’s house, and of course in your house.

My only wish is that the Bottle Tamer come in other colors such as pink for girls and blue for boys.

Where to buy: Lil BahBee

Continue reading Tame that bottle!

Star Melamine Feeding Set

Now kids can have a dish set that’s just their style and feel like a "grown up" with a complete dish set. This 4 piece feeding set includes a plate with "my breakfast, lunch and dinner plate" printed on it, a bowl with "what a good boy" printed on the inside bottom of it, a cup with "half cup" and "full cup" printed on it and an easy to hold spoon.

Yes, the dishes are dishwasher safe! Ishould know because I have to wash Sebastian’s bowl everyday so he can have his nightly bowl of ice cream in his "what a good boy" bowl!

Where to buy: Blue Eye Boy

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