Tag Archives: summer

NEW Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock Review

Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock

How many times have you re-thought applying sunblock on your child because she was soaking wet?  You know as well as I do that it’s important to keep your child’s skin protected with sunblock and now you don’t have to worry about if she’s wet or dry.  Nuetrogena’s Wet Skin Sunblock can be applied directly to wet skin!  Someone once told me that you should reapply sunscreen as often as the strength of the suncreen.  For example, if the sunblock is SPF30, then reapply it every 30 minutes.  Don’t quote me on that, but I think it sounds like a great idea.

My family recently received sunblock from the Neutrogena Wet Skin line to try out including SPF 30, SPF 50, Kids SPF 70, +and 85+.  We have used these almost every day since.  Most parents and kids (that’s you too) are outside for hours a day, and whether the kids are playing in the sand, mom and dad are doing yard work, or we’re just out and about, we are exposed to the sun (UV rays). So put on the sunblock just like you put on a shirt!

Neutrogena Wet Skin Sunblock
Wet Skin Kids Sunblock Spray SPF 70+

About 90% of non-melanoma skin cancer is caused by ultra-violet exposure.

Neutrogena’s Wet Skin Sunblock is the first sunblock with helioplex and is designed to be applied directly to wet skin.  Wet Skin spray technology instantly cuts through water to form a broad spectrum UVA/UVB protective barrier.  I’m sure you are great about applying sunscreen before your kids go out to play or swim but sunblock doesn’t last forever and for optimal performance and protection it sunblock should be reapplied throughout the day.

Did you know that one of the largest risk factors for non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers is severe sunburns as a child?  Please don’t let your child get sunburned.  Not only does a sunburned child make for a sleepless night, but that sunburn also increases their risk of developing skin cancer.  Carry Neutrogena’s Wet Skin Sunblock in your diaper bag, purse, beach bag, or picnic basket and use it!

Skin Cancer Facts

These Pediatric skin cancer facts are from The Skin Cancer Foundation website and the American Cancer Society website.

  • Melanoma accounts for up to three percent of all pediatric cancers.45
  • Melanoma is seven times more common between the ages of 10 and 20 than it is between birth and 10 years.47
  • Diagnoses — and treatment — are delayed in 40 percent of childhood melanoma cases.32
  • Ninety percent of pediatric melanoma cases occur in girls aged 10-19.46
  • Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. It accounts for nearly half of all cancers in the United States. More than 2 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are found in this country each year.

One more very important tip.. put sunscreen on your and your kids even on overcast days.  Moms, this skin cancer in our children is something that we can help prevent!  Let’s do all we can.  Don’t be lazy about applying sunscreen and don’t give in if your child is stubborn about it.  My son hates applying sunblock, although now that mist sunblock is available, he’s better about it.
Ok, just one more tip.. apply sunblock behind your child’s ears, on their feet, and on the back of their legs.

I’ll make it easy for you.. click here to get a $2 off coupon any Neutrogena® Suncare or Sunless product or click here to save $2 when you buy any Neutrogena® Suncare or Sunless product online.

About Neutrogena:

Do you have any summer skin care/sunblock tips? Share them with us in the comments below.

Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Neutrogena and received sunscreen and other Neutrogena products as a thank you for my participation.

Alicia Hagan, Editor

Summer Problems Caused By Nature

Summer Sun Guest post by Eirian Hallinan

The sun is shining, the days are longer and you have waved goodbye to coughs and colds but summer brings its own little irritations. Here are some tips to help.


This is caused by too much exposure to the sun and creates a red and painful skin ailment that can lead to serious skin conditions. Prevention is everything and children should never be exposed to direct sunlight so remember to keep them covered. Loose, light and comfortable clothes are just as cool and offer more cover than strappy summer tops, so are safer. Always put a broad brimmed hat on your child in the sun. Use a high factor sunscreen – at least 30 SPF and reapply it every couple of hours and after swimming. Avoid the sun during the hottest part of the day and keep your child in the shade as much as possible. If your child does get a bit red, give him plenty of water to drink and sponge him down with tepid water. Then cover him with lots of aftersun cream and keep him out of the sun for at least 24 hours.


These are usually small, red and itchy bumps that can be painful. Sometimes you can see a hole in the centre of the lump and a sting sticking out of it. Children usually get them if they disturb or are attacked by an insect like a wasp, ant or horsefly. A sting or bite can be quite scary and painful for your child so reassure and comfort him. If the pain or discomfort persists antihistamines and anti-itch ointments can help which are available at pharmacists. If the bite or sting worsens then it is advisable to take your child to the doctor to check if an infection has developed. If your child has difficulty breathing, his tongue swells or you suspect some kind of allergic reaction call emergency medical help immediately.

Nettle Rash

This is a group of itchy, reddish swellings and can often disappear in hours but then reappear somewhere else on the body. It is also known as hives or urticaria. Nettle rash is not caused by stinging nettles although a brush with them can be one of the causes. There are several possible causes although it isn’t always obvious which one it is. It can be a food allergy (for example, to strawberries), pollen, a jellyfish sting, an insect bite or too much sun. It usually passes in a few hours but if you are concerned then seek medical advice. Make sure you check with your doctor before giving your child medication but calamine lotion can be soothing and antihistamines reduce itching and rashes.


This is officially known as allergic rhinitis and is an allergy to airborne pollen from grass, flowers or trees. It causes sneezing, a runny nose and itchy eyes. More common in children over seven years of age but can affect younger children too. There are many medications available but check with your doctor as to what may suit your child best. If your child is really struggling your doctor may prescribe a nasal spray. Generally, the best thing is a long-acting, non-sedating antihistamine syrup and look for suitable medicines containing loratadine or cetirizine.

Prickly Heat

This is also known as heat rash or miliaria. It is a red and itchy rash along with a prickly sensation, hence the name. It occurs during the hotter months and is thought to be caused by blockages in the sweat glands. Young infants and babies are more prone to prickly heat because their sweat glands are not yet fully developed. It can appear anywhere on the body but more commonly on areas that are exposed to the sun or in folds of skin. It is irritating for children but not a serious condition. It usually disappears in a few days. The best thing you can do is keep your child cool if they are suffering from an outbreak of prickly heat. You can place them in a cool bath and pat them dry. Dress them in light, cotton clothes that enable their skin to breathe. Synthetic clothing won’t allow this. If your child is really irritable and unable to sleep then an antihistamine syrup should help.

Eirian Hallinan is Parenting Journals’ newest team member. She believes healing naturally first, especially when it comes to infant colic.


Where is your first aid kit? Do you have one?

It’s summer, the kids are out of school, and I’m sure you need something to do right? Well, pack your bags and hit the local trails but don’t forget your first aid kit.  My guess is that at least 50% of hikers including families on day trip hikes, don’t carry a first aid kit.  Like I said, that’s just my guess but that doesn’t have to be the case. I always pack bandages, sunscreen, insect repellent, and water when planning a day trip, even a trip to the pool.  No kidding..always.  If it were up to me, I would have a location unit like the kind skiers use so rescue teams could find us quickly in the case of an emergency. As you might know from some of my previous posts, I am a paranoid, ‘germaphobic’ mom.  I have anti-bacterial gel and wipes in my handbag, car, and even in our garage for when the kids play in there while I’m on the treadmill or doing laundry.  I know.. studies may show that using a lot of anti-bacterial stuff doesn’t help them get used to germs but the thought of my kids hands being on a shopping cart handle that has some other kids invisible snot on it grosses me out.  Library books even disgust me.  That’s terrible, I know.

CVS/pharmacy first aid and survival products

I am a big fan of drugstores because I know that I can get in and out quickly. Yes, you tend to pay more for name brand products at the drugstore but think about it.. you don’t have to buy name brand products!  For example, did you know that CVS has their own line of first aid products that are the same high quality and more affordable than ‘big brand’ first aid products?  CVS/pharmacy has their own line of bandages, band-aids, sunscreen, insect repellent, and anti-itch spray and as a mom on a budget, I appreciate the affordability of their products.

Below is a list of items you can grab at any CVS/pharmacy store, that should be included in your first aid kit:

  • Bandages, band-aids and alcohol wipes to handle cuts and scrapes
  • Sun protection – whether you’re looking for a sunscreen that’s waterproof with a high SPF, something for the kids, or a cooling sunscreen that can be applied quickly, CVS/pharmacy has a line of continuous spray sunscreens that work great, smell nice and spray on evenly. Don’t forget to wear a hat to protect the face and neck.
  • After-sun relief, in case you forget to re-apply your sunscreen or miss a spot behind your knees. Packing a bottle of CVS/pharmacy’s instant burn relief spray with lidocaine & aloe vera can make all the difference.
  • Insect repellents and anti-itch remedies for bug bites and rashes. CVS/pharmacy has a variety of convenient, pocket-sized spray pens that relieve pain and itching associated with insect bites and minor rashes due to poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac

Visit the CVS/pharmacy website to take interactive quizzes such as this one on how well you know your insect bites and this one on common first aid mistakes.

We are giving a lucky reader a kit with all of the following products:
•    CVS Kids Sunblock Continuous Spray Spf 50
•    CVS Cooling Mist Sunblock
•    CVS Aftersun Instant Burn Relief Spray
•    CVS Instant Itch Relief Spray
•    CVS Waterproof Bandages
•    CVS Antibacterial Plastic Bandages
•    CVS Travel First Aid Kit

To enter to win, leave a comment telling us what your favorite summer destination is and which of the products above you can’t live without and why. Contest ends August 15th, 2009.

Add some summer splashing excitement to your backyard with a Little Tikes Slam ‘n Curve Slide

KLittle Tikes Slam n' Curve Slideids love playing the water and what’s better than swimming and splashing in the summer?  How about sliding down a curving slide to shoot out into the cool waters of a splash pool?  Sounds fun, doesn’t it?  It is!  I can tell you first hand and that’s because despite the fact that I am in my 30’s, and not in the recommended ages range of 5-10 years old, I’ve been down the slide more than once.  There is a weight limit of around 300lbs so I felt OK about enjoying the Slam n’ Curve Slide with my kids.  We had a blast!

The Slam n’ Curve Slide from Little Tikes is designed so parents can see all the action.   I sit on the back porch while my kids enjoy the slide and splash pool.  The splash pool is just the right depth for Madelyn (3 yrs old) to enjoy while Sebastian goes down the slide again and again and again.  It never gets old.  The Slam n’ Curve Slide is made of puncture-resistance material and includes everything you need to set it up including stakes, the blower which inflates the Slam n’ Curve Slide in about 1 minute (no kidding!), a repair kit, and storage bag. A fun inflatable rock wall is the way up to the slippery slide with an optional spray of water (turn off or don’t hook up the hose if your kids don’t want the water spraying on them) coming down from the canopy at the top of the rock wall. The curve at the end of the slides makes for nice, fun, splash into the refreshing pool.

Here’s a short video of my kids enjoying the Little Tikes Slam n’ Curve Slide.

Learn more about the Little Tikes Slam n’ Curve Slide on the Little Tikes website and check the lowest prices at Amazon.com here.

Product Review: Little Tikes Butterfly Beach Sandbox and Wading Pool

Little Tikes Butterfly Beach SandboxIt’s imperative that moms relax and it’s nearly impossible for a mom to have alone time.   For me, sitting outside, even with the kids, is the next best thing to having alone time.  I am usually trying to relax when I’m sitting outside, so it’s important that the kids have something to do so they will leave me alone for a few minutes (right!?).
After much trial and error, I concluded that sand is just about the coolest outdoor toy ever.  So, now I have a sandbox on both porches.  On the front porch I have a shallow, wide plastic storage bin (the kind you put under a bed to store stuff in) filled with sand while the back porch, the one I sit on more often, has the more aesthetically pleasing Little Tikes Butterfly Beach Sandbox and Wading Pool.

The Little Tikes Butterfly Beach Sandbox and Wading Pool entertains both of my kids, 9 and 3,.. at the same time! Imagine that!
The butterfly’s wings unfold with one wing becoming the pool and the other wing is the sandbox.   It sounds like magic, but it’s not.  The sunshade pops into the butterfly’s back and provides great protection from the sun.  I absolutely LOVE having the sunshade.  When Madelyn is playing in the front porch sandbox (the make-shift storage bin sandbox) I have to move it as the sun shines down on the porch which is a pain because sand isn’t light!  When the kids are done playing in the Butterfly Beach Sandbox and Wading Pool, the emptied pool side folds over the sand side doubling as a secure lid. The Little Tikes Butterfly Beach Sandbox and Wading Pool is great for kids ages 2 and up and holds enough water and sand to occupy my 9 year old for a while.

The Little Tikes Butterfly Beach Sandbox and Wading Pool is sold at Amazon.com for about $45.

1 lucky subscriber will win a
Little Tikes Butterfly Beach Sandbox and Wading Pool!  Stay tuned and subscribe to learn how to enter starting April 1st.