Tag Archives: Kumon

iPad App Review: Kumon Uppercase ABC’s – Learn to Trace Letters

App Review: Kumon Uppercase ABC's - Learn to Trace Letters
Learn to Trace Letters

The Kumon Uppercase ABC iPad app teaches sound and letter recognition of capital letters to preschoolers. Best enjoyed by children ages three to four, the Kumon Uppercase ABC’s iPad allows children to trace uppercase letters, hear the sounds the letters make, and associate them with a picture that begins with the sound to help integrate the learning of letter recognition with beginning reading skills.  These are skills children need to get ahead when entering Kindergarten.

The Kumon Uppercase ABC’s App uses interactive repetition to teach children how to write and recognize capital letters and offers them examples of the sounds.  Parents can choose to present letters at random, in alphabetical order, or in the Kumon order, where more difficult tasks are based on simpler ones.
Your child will first be shown the direction of each movement that makes up a letter.   Your child traces the letter with just the movement direction and no order directions, and last, your child draws the letter without direction or order instruction. This is a nice progression to make sure your child knows how to write each capital letter.  My five year old doesn’t have the finest of fine motor skills and got a little frustrated a few times because she has to stay within the outline for it to be correct.   Overall though, she loves the app and even though she knows all of the letters she can still benefit from the writing and fine motor skill practice the app offers.
Requirements: Compatible with the iPad. Requires iOS 3.2 or later.
Alicia Hagan, Editor