Design your own SIGG Water Bottle + A Giveaway!

Sigg customized water bottleI was so excited when I was given the opportunity to design my own branded SIGG Water Bottle because both of my kids have had a SIGG water bottle for 2+ years and I haven’t! It’s my turn now and mine is bigger than theirs! Childish.. I know.  Sebastian has a ninja inspired SIGG water bottle while Madelyn has a glow in the dark space SIGG water bottle.

Now, through Cafe Press, you can design and order your very own personalized SIGG water bottle. Type whatever you want such as “World’s Greatest Mom”, “Best Dad Ever”, or your brand name which is what I did and you will instantly see what it will look like on the SIGG design of your choice.  I chose the Leaves design (left) and had “The Mommy Insider” printed on my 1 liter SIGG water bottle.  You can choose from 7 special edition designsStop wasting plastic water bottles and design your own SIGG water bottle that you will have for many many years.  These SIGG water bottles can be washed in the dishwasher.  Attach a caribeener to the SIGG top and then attach your SIGG to your backpack or diaper bag and you’ve got easy access to it all of the time!

The custom-designed bottles are available for $27.99 on CafePress’ SIGG section here..

Learn about SIGG on their website here.
We have (1) 1 liter SIGG water bottle to give to a lucky reader. The 1 liter bottle is exactly like what you see pictured here with “The Mommy Insider” printed on it.  Leave a comment below related to SIGG, water bottles, and/or being ‘green’ and you are entered to win.  Contest ends July 15th, 2009.

We will be giving away the same SIGG water bottle on and!  Subscribe to our email updates (green bar at top of the page) to find out when the other contests begin.

Design your SIGG bottle at CafePress!

103 thoughts on “Design your own SIGG Water Bottle + A Giveaway!

  1. I think the design your own sigg is awesome, these are great birthday ideas and are so practical and great for the environment. You can have anything from promotional stuff to just purely creative design to be individual!

  2. Would be great to use when we go outdoors, and since can design them so we can each have one that fits us, heck yeah

  3. I love that I can fill my Sigg just twice each day and know that if I drink both that I’ll have had my minimum amount of water daily. Plus, my Sigg is pretty!

  4. Not only is it good for the earth it is also good for pregnant women/ I just read a study of the harm drinking from soft plastic does.

  5. Oh I would love the water bottle because drinking water out of plastic is like killing yourself slowly! Do you know how much toxins you take into your body!?
    I shudder to even think of it >.<
    Thanks for this chance!

  6. I would love to win a SIGG water bottle. It would be so much more environmentally friendly to use and that means a lot to me especially since so many people in my drink from plastic water bottles. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

  7. This is awesome! I hate wasting water bottles and the SIGG water bottle has such an awesome design on it that I would love to bring it with me everywhere! I stay green by bringing my own bags to the grocery store instead of using their plastic or paper bags. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  8. Sigg has great bottles! Using one of these is so much better than using bottled water in plastic bottles. Better for your health and better for the environment. It is a win – win!

  9. I have been married for thirty-five years now. My darling husband and I were green before it became fashionable.

    It is easy to make your life greener – we recycle, have our house powered by solar, take our water from our own well and we grow our own food. People do not realize that growing your own food saves in lots of different ways including but not limited to saving the fuel it take to process and transport the fruits and vegetables – also it is so much healthier for your family. We plan our week so that we only have to drive into town once a week.

    The best part of always having been a green family is that we naturally passed our philosophy and techniques on to our sons. Both of them have never known any different! They are green, and don’t even realize it. It is very rewarding to go to their house and see them live their lives, leaving a smaller footprint on the planet.

  10. I’ve been eyeing a Sigg for years but since I have so many plastic water bottles, it seemed greedy. Now they say the plastic bottles aren’t great, so maybe it’s the excuse that I need.

  11. How do you have trees?
    How can you be more healthy?
    What can I do to be more green?

    Easy, think Sigg! Save trees by being green and also save money by not buying plastic water bottles!

  12. Save our trees and use Sigg! Hands down the best water bottle I could have ever bought! And as a bonus- I feel great about helping our pledge by staying green!

  13. Everyone needs to buy Sigg water bottles! Not many people know that when you reuse certain water bottles (look at the code on the bottom) you are actually ingesting harmful chemicals into your body. Be safe, healthy, and help save the planet by using Sigg!

  14. I have been thinking about this for ages. I drink bottled wated and refil it a lot, but the idea that I am drinking out of plastic is starting to really bother me, plus I wnt to stop adding to the trouble of our planet

  15. Love it. That’s wild. I use nalgene water bottles but would love another bottle so me and the gf could always use recycleds when we go out or workout.

  16. It’s hard to keep green with kids who pick up plastic cups and bottles at about ever restaurant we go to, but I think if we brought a SIGG with us it would be much easier to cut our waste!

  17. Thanks. These are much better than the plastic bottles (even those that you resuse) because after washing them in hot water they taste plasticy and leach chemicals. SIGG bottles do not do that because they are aluminum.

  18. I am a big fan of reusable water bottles. This SIGG Water Bottle is very cute. Having a water bottle that you can reuse instead of disposable water bottles is a great start to going green! I would love to have this water bottle. Thanks Mommy Insider!

  19. I looove the idea of these bottles! My husband take two bottled waters to work every day and these would be a great alternative to cut down on waste!

  20. This water bottle is so clever, creative and useful. It definitely helps people jumpstart on going green and to stop purchasing bottled water.

  21. I drink so much water having a water bottle on hand is really the only way to do it. Otherwise I would be buying bottles of water so much during the day.

  22. Now thats a PRETTY water bottle- it looks feminine and not super sporty . i like how SIGG has alot of choices and promotes reusing rather than throwing away more plastic into our landfills.

  23. my kids love taking water bottles to their sports and basketball..i dont know how many plastic ones we have gone through over the years ..this one looks awesome 🙂

  24. I’ve been using Nalgene water bottles for over 15 years and am read to a switch to stainless steel. I’d love to have one of these. Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. I’m getting more eco friendly by walking to the store a mile away when I just need to pick up something like a gallon of milk rather than driving and spending the gas and the emissions.

  26. I like the fact the SIGGS bottle liners are taste and scent neutral, you can enjoy any beverage you’d like – without any lingering smell or taste of the last beverage you drank. Great giveaway!

  27. I carry my stainless steel water bottle with me everywhere! I need another one because I use it so much. It saves plastic and keeps me hydrated!

  28. I carry a water bottle with me to work every day. Its really important to stay hydrated since I work outside and it saves me money to bring a bottle from home rather than spend money every day buying one at a convenience store.

  29. I have a SIGG water bottle already, but could always use another – especially if I’ve personalized it myself!

  30. I would much rather use a reusable water bottle than throw away ones. Plus, this one has a cute design 🙂

  31. This is a great idea and I so want to win! I hate using plastic water bottles since I got rid of all our plastic cups, why not water bottles?!

  32. In trying to drink more water during the day, I’ve taken to carrying a bottle with me wherever I go. With all the plastic waste around, I want something that is reuseable and the SIGG water bottle fits the bill. I’d love to have this bottle and would be proud to have your name on it. Thanks.

  33. I’ve started using water bottles instead of bottled water because I was throwing away tons of bottles and it was costing a lot of money and making a huge impact.

  34. My kids love their Sigg water bottles! I love that they don’t smell like plastic and we don’t have to buy bottled water to take with us. I wish there was a sports top for the adult bottle.

  35. I would like to have one of these as plastic takes on odors and tastes from other foods/drinks! And they stain easily!

  36. SIGG bottles have the coolest graphics of any water bottles out there. I am totally done with plastic water bottles. Save the earth by drinking out of Sigg bottles and use cloth diapers! Woohoo!

  37. This is such a wonderful giveaway. I do the best I can to live as greenly as I can. We use organic food, carry cloth shopping bags and purify our own water. Thanks for the opportunity of the draw.

  38. Getting our children in the habit of conservation early is an excellent way to change our attitude on waste.

  39. Love Sigg – we own one for every member of our family. Would love another one so that we could either have a backup Sigg, or so I could gift it and get another person hooked on a great reusable bottle.

  40. I love my Sigg water bottle, and thought I’d lost it forever recently in Washington DC. I had to leave it behind when entering the Capitol building. I set it beside a pillar, next to a dumpster. When I came out of the Capitol building, it wasn’t there, and I was devastated! However, when I looked in the dumpster, there it was! I took a dumpster dive, retrieved my precious Sigg water bottle, and was very, very happy. Thanks for offering me a chance to win one!!!!

  41. Great idea! Love the fact that you can cut out your use of plastic water bottles by reusing this great looking water bottle. Thanks for offering us the chance to win one!

  42. The SIGG Water bottle keeps water ice cold in the fridge.My son has one and we have cut down on plastic bottles considerably.

  43. Reducing the need for “Plastic” water bottles. Saving the envirnoment and better for you health. Awesome!

  44. How can anyone think that a gazillion plastic water bottles
    in our landfills is a good thing? Bottled water is perhaps the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

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