Category Archives: Television

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Clicker catalogs all broadcast programming online, along with TV-quality Web originals, from these silos and delivers them in one seamless, organized experience so you can easily discover what’s available to watch (and what isn’t) online, where to watch it, and what’s worth watching.

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Moms, do you watch TV or movies online?

Movie review: Delgo – a mom’s review and an exclusive movie image

every battle.   every journey.    every adventure.    needs a hero

Just reading that gives me the shivers.  Delgo, an action packed, family-friendly (rated PG), romantic, and humorous movie is truly one-of-a-kind.  Delgo features a voice cast of Freddie Prinze, Jr. (Delgo), Jennifer Love Hewitt (Princess Kyla), Anne
Bancroft (exiled Empress Sedessa) as well as Chris Kattan (Filo), Val
Kilmer (Bogardus), Lou Gossett Jr. (Nohrin King), Michael Clarke Duncan
(Lockni Stonesage Council), Kelly Ripa (Kurrin), Burt Reynolds (Delgo’s
Father) and Sally Kellerman (Narrator).  Very impressive for a production not made in Hollywood.  Delgo was created by Atlanta based Fathom Studios with a small but extremely talented staff and is the first feature length CG film created outside of the studio system. 

Here is an exclusive image from the film, Delgo, thanks to Team Mom.


A mom's review (me) of Delgo – based on the trailers – The variety of character types includes fairy, dragon, dinosaur, and sea creatures. Delgo's characters are colorful, and their impeccably smooth motions bring them to life in a way that I've never seen in a computer animated movie before.  I can't wait to see the entire film!

Press release excerpt –
story takes place in the magical land of Jhamora which is divided
between two cultures – the Nohrin, winged masters of the skies, and the
Lockni, the terrestrial tribe who harness the mystical powers of the
land. When Delgo, a reckless Lockni teenager, forms a forbidden
friendship with the spunky Nohrin Princess Kyla, hostilities between
the two peoples escalate, setting the stage for an exiled empress to
exact her revenge and reclaim her rule. Falsely imprisoned, Delgo and
his best friend, Filo, must put aside their differences to join forces
with a sworn enemy, Bogardus, and travel to the mysterious land of
Perran to rescue Princess Kyla. Here they encounter fanciful creatures
and discover more than just a kidnapped princess, they learn the value
of different cultures and the importance of working together."

Delgo teaches children about the need
for people to come together, despite their culture, history, and backgrounds, to
work for a better future for everyone and that it can be done.  Delgo is rated PG but there is violence in the form of a war.  As far as I can tell from the trailers, you won't see blood or other distressing signs of bodily injury.  

Delgo looks very sci-fi which I like because I think that gives younger children less chance of taking the characters as reality and holding on to the more violent parts of the film which are far surpassed by the funny, romantic, humorous parts.

Click on 'Downloads' on the website to download free Delgo Wallpapers for your computer, a Delgo screen saver, and Delgo buddy icons.

Go to to watch two trailers for the movie and check out the Scrapbook while you are there.  It's really interesting.

I would love to get your feedback on Delgo after you've seen it!