Tag Archives: family acuity

Atlanta Blog: Surrogacy and Egg Donation: The Benefits of Working with an Agency

Recently, many people have started turning to the internet for a wide variety of do-it-yourself projects. An endless amount of advice exists for everything from growing your own vegetable garden to home-schooling your children. However, when it comes to infertility, the DIY route may result in undue amounts of stress and frustration. Going through a reputable agency will ensure that all parties involved are protected from scams and unreliable donors or surrogates.

If you are interested in becoming an egg donor or surrogate, going through an agency has many benefits with no adverse side effects. Not only will you be treated with courtesy and respect, but you will be provided with important information that you may not get from a website. You will also receive guidance, counseling, and answers to all of your questions throughout the entire process, as well as professional legal assistance, should it become necessary.

When you work with Family Acuity, both you and the prospective parents will sign a binding contract to ensure that all parties are protected, legally and financially. It takes a dedicated, generous individual to commit to donate eggs or become a surrogate mother. The process is incredibly rewarding, but is not without its challenges; a reputable agency will ensure that you understand these challenges before you begin.

If you are not a trained financial advisor, would you be comfortable fixing a complicated tax situation by yourself? The same concept applies to infertility. You will benefit greatly from going through a trustworthy agency when it comes to finding or being an egg donor or surrogate, and you can rest easy knowing that your case will be handled professionally and responsibly.

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