What is Memorial Day?

Memorial Day HistoryMemorial Day 2012

Memorial Day, celebrated on the last Monday in May each year, was originally referred to as “Decoration Day”.  Shortly after the end of the Civil War, many Confederate women’s organizations honored their fallen heroes by visiting their graves and decorating them with flags and flowers. For many, this was an opportunity to keep alive memories of kin they lost in the war. Decoration Day was continued across the US to commemorate the loss of those who served in the military during World War II. Gradually, Decoration Day became known as “Memorial Day.”

Events and activities that will get your child involved in Memorial Day

Shortly after World War II, events and activities were planned to honor war dead:

  • Parades
  • Placing wreaths and flags on the graves of military dead
  • Placing wreaths and flags on statues of local town war heroes
  • Visit a Veterans’ Hospital
Read more about how you can explain Memorial Day to your children and get them involved in Memorial Day activities and celebrations!

Teaching Children The Importance of Honoring Their War Heroes and Remember and Celebrate

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