My organizer.. my BusyBodyBook Family Organizer and Calendar

I never thought I would be one of those moms who was always on the go but now I am. My kids are 3 and 10 and they actually do things. How strange. They go to swim class, computer class, Cub Scouts, play with friends, and do other things that kids do. All of that means that I have to plan things. I have to know whether my husband or I are going to take our daughter to swim and gymnastics, and our son to Scouts and computer class. Without help I am not a great planner, but with my BusyBodyBook, life is easier.

Believe it or not, I have anxiety issues. Don’t laugh. My BusyBodyBook helps keep my anxiety and stress levels low. Having our schedules laid out in a grid format and with me all of the time (I take my BBB with me everywhere) ensures that I always know what’s coming up in the days ahead and that I know who, what, where, why, and when.

There are four columns on each weekly page. I have one column assigned to each of us and a "family" column at the end. When I need to show my husband what activities are coming up and that he needs to take our son to Scouts because I am taking our daughter to swim, I just open my BusyBodyBook and show him. No questions, no arguments, no doubts about the date or time.. just easy to read facts.

How BusyBodyBook helps me:

  • I can tell if events and activities overlap in time and can plan accordingly
  • I know which of us (husband or I) is available to take the kids to which of their activities
  • I can log and track past and future events
  • I can keep notes
  • I can keep and tear out a shopping list with the removable shopping lists
BusyBodyBook Family Organizer

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Can you tell I can’t live without my BusyBodyBook?

Visit the BusyBodyBook website to see the different BusyBodyBook Family Organizers, wall calendars, and weekly grid pads.

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