MichaelsMind Children’s Books: $15.95

Michaelsmindbooks1Sebastian and I read every night.  Sometimes I like the book he chooses and sometimes I don’t. When he picks one of Steve Tiller’s books I am relieved because I know I am going enjoy our reading time just as much as he does that night.

The colorful, fairytale like illustrations and fun writing style keep Sebastian’s attention on the book.  Steve’s books are written and illustrated superbly with each story delivering a message in such a way so that the child understands the message.  Steve is a great children’s book author. He knows how to capture a child’s attention and keep it.  Steve’s books cover topics including self confidence (Just Be Yourself), faith (Boat & Wind), childhood fantasy (Tangle Fairies), and individuality (Inside Outside Who We Are).

Michaelsmindbooks2When we read one of Steve’s books Sebastian enjoys talking about it afterward.  Sebastian usually doesn’t want to talk about the meaning of a book, the characters or illustrations but he gets so into the characters and the stories that he sometimes continues the story with his own ‘next chapter’. 

Most of the books have a free curriculum that parents can download from the website.  The curriculum includes group discussions, recipes, activities and drawing.

You will also find a beautiful selection of posters on the website such as the one to the left.

Visit the MichaelsMind Books website to learn more about Steve’s books and to place an order.

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